"It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.” David Bailey

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Artistic Experimentation...

In the last few weeks I have been thinking more about art as a whole, and widening my focus from just photography. I have realized that since I have been taking photographs in the last several months that I have been look towards more than just photographers for inspiration and for influence. I have also notice that my mind has been working on ideas for several different ways that I can expand upon the medium of photography.

I have chosen film for many different reasons, and I do not see myself exploring the digital photography realm with my photographs. However, I do see myself exploring other means of photographic expression, and I am starting to experiment in some new ways.

One of the ways, that those of you that are familiar with my photograph may have already seen, is that I have been creating videos with my photographs. These videos are basically virtual slide shows, and I have added soundtracks to enhance to experience. The first video that I made was after I had been taking photographs for a few months, and I incorporated as many different styles of photographs that I had taken to that point to show an overview of my portfolio. I also used the beat of the particular piece of music to time the appearance of photographs to give a more dramatic effect both individually and as a whole.

The next video project that I have been working on focuses on the flower photographs that I have been taking, and it incorporates these photographs along with music to enhance the meaning of this collection of photographs. Also, I am incorporating thoughts from some of the greatest minds, and quotes will be shown over the top of photographs from people like Henry David Thoreau and e.e. cummings.

As far as future plans, my mind always seems to be further ahead than my shutter. Especially because I have come to consider that if I am going to consider myself an artist in any way shape or form than I must be trying to say and express something with my art. I do not think it is enough for me to take a photograph of a landscape just for the sake of taking a photograph of a landscape. I feel compelled to say something.

So, it is along those lines that I have begun to research my first project which is going to be called Life and Death in the Brazos Valley. I think that this project will take about six months to complete, which includes the research and actually taking the photographs.

There are also other ways that I will be experimenting with photography. In the next few weeks I am going to begin photographing things much more in black and white, and I will also be taking many more night photographs.

In the next couple of weeks I will post about upcoming artist events happening locally, and I will also spotlight an artist.

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